Why give?
Immaculata High School relies on tuition and the generous philanthropic support of our community to:
- balance the annual operating budget;
- fund capital projects and student/faculty enrichment, and
- establish and sustain the school’s long-term fiscal viability.
Our Advancement Office seeks to secure financial support for the school through annual giving, event participation, and major and planned gifts. The generosity of the Immaculata community is one essential component in our ability to offer exceptional academic, spiritual, athletic, musical, and extracurricular experiences for our students.
Immaculata funds its entire operational budget through a combination of tuition and fundraising. The revenues generated from donations make it possible for us to keep tuition increases to a minimum and help to bridge the "gap" between what we charge for tuition and the actual cost to operate the school and educate a student at Immaculata.
Beyond the role that dollars play in helping to finance daily operations, alumni and parent participation demonstrates to others that Immaculata is supported by its graduates and current families. If alumni and parents are willing to support this school financially, it shows that they value the role Immaculata played in their lives and their children’s lives.
Please consider giving to Immaculata, so that this remarkable school can maintain its legacy of providing a strong education, rooted in our pillars of Faith, Scholarship, Service, and Friendship, to all of our current and future Spartans.