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Catholic Social Outreach

Catholic Athletes for Christ (C.A.C.)

Mission - C.A.C.'s mission is to serve Catholic athletes and share the Gospel of Christ in and through athletics.

Our Goal - C.A.C.'s goal it to provide an integrated network of sports, oriented clergy, and lay people to serve the Catholic athletes, coaches, and staff in the practice of their faith and to utilize the unique platform given to them to reach the world for Jesus Christ and his Church.

Our Vision - To develop and promote solid Catholic role models, To work with the Church leadership and Catholic organizations, To minister to Catholic athletes, coaches, and staff, To reverse the moral crisis in sports today, To create a network of Catholic athletes, coaches, and staff, To organize sports conferences, pilgrimages, retreats, and days of reflection

Moderator: Mr. Servedio

Mission Club

The Mission Club is a school wide charity, involving the entire student body and faculty. Money is collected in homerooms to help various needy causes. Some of our charities are St. Bonaventure's Indian Mission, (New Mexico), Christian Solidarity International (helps free slaves worldwide), and most especially The Society for the Propagation of the Faith (Diocese of Metuchen Mission Office). Monies are sent to other causes as the need arises. There are no official meetings, but email communication between officers if vital.

Respect for Life

The Respect for Life Club is dedicated to promoting the Catholic Church's Respect life tenet: All human life is sacred from the first moment of conception until natural death. Through education, outreach, advocacy and prayer, student members demonstrate their Pro-Life Commitment, especially through their support of the annual March Life for Life, an annual Pro-Life/Respect Life Mass, and the Diocesan Teen Outreach promoting Catholic values, amongst other projects.

The club meets monthly, or as needed.

Moderators: Mrs. Dwyer & Mrs. Hummel


Please click on the following links for our service opportunities and upcoming events.

Moderators: Mrs. Paras and Mr. Grieshaber