The Immaculata High School boys lacrosse team, led by Coach Ryan Licht, recently read to Immaculate Conception School (ICS) kindergartners and first graders and each student received an autograph ball from the entire team. The lacrosse boys also wore their away “blues” for Autism Awareness Day.
ICS kindergarten teacher Kim Thomas Brickley ’91 felt that the Spartan lacrosse team was so gracious and kind to the young students. “They read, joked, and laughed with the children. Our students were a little intimidated by the ‘big kids,’ but the older boys were quick with warm smiles and kind words. It was nice to see some familiar faces as some of the team members had also attended ICS. As an alumni of both Immaculate Conception and Immaculata, it was great to see the two schools meet and share a common activity.”
For the lacrosse players, it was a great team bonding experience. Senior Spencer Hoffman-said that “Coach Licht says Today a READER, tomorrow a LEADER” This is on and off the field. I’ve never knew how rewarding it is just to read to the ‘future’. I loved it.” Added Junior Zach Miller, ““Coach Licht teaches us that when a child can put himself into a story, it helps them to develop empathy. They identify with characters, and they feel what the characters are feeling. Children begin to understand and relate to emotions. We saw firsthand what Coach was talking about.”
Coach Licht believes that teaching about service is an important aspect of coaching. “Immaculata has so many opportunities to serve through Campus Ministry, but this initiative let us complete our service as a team and to emphasize that through sports athletes can impact the community in so many positive ways.”