John Cavanagh, a senior at Immaculata High School and resident of Raritan, has earned his Eagle Scout Award. For his project John, a member of Troop 84 in Somerville, crafted a cabinet for use in the school’s music room, where massive food supplies are stored during the marching band season.
According to Music Department Director Michael Gasko (a 2005 Eagle Scout), “These cabinets have become essential storage for all the supplies needed to feed the marching band, week after week before football games and competitions. They are not only beautiful, but also have helped to keep us extremely neat and organized, which is of equal importance when attempting to feed almost 100 people multiple times a week. These cabinets and the countertop are used everyday. We are so proud of John, one of the kindest and most caring students we have ever had. Our whole department looks forward to the bright future that being an Eagle Scout will open up for him.”
Through his Boy Scout commitment and his avid involvement with Immaculata’s Campus Ministry social ministry, John embodies service. His social consciousness has been fostered by the Scout principles of reverence, kindness, and helpfulness, as well as his strong religious faith and his dedication to dozens of Campus Ministry initiatives, dedicated to helping the marginalized, the elderly, the handicapped, and the suffering.
“I am very grateful that my Eagle Project could also directly benefit the Immaculate Music Department and the countless students they serve,” says John. “It is close to my heart, especially since the program has helped me to become a more responsible, committed, disciplined individual. It has also provided me the opportunity to explore and develop my leadership skills over the course of my time at Immaculata. It is wonderful to give back to my school who has given so much to me, and continues to form me in the faith.”
Spartan Proud!