Senior Aubrey Reno earns induction into the Immaculata Service Hall of Fame for having served one thousand hours or more during her four years here at Immaculata. This is an extraordinary feat especially for our 2021 seniors given that their junior year was cut short due to the pandemic resulting in them losing many great school-sponsored opportunities to serve. Aubrey joins Campus Ministry’s nineteen-year honor list that features currently thirty-two additional names of brave altruistic young men and women who’ve decided to follow the call of Christ.
Aubrey Reno is a charming volunteer who absolutely places the gift of her personality into events that serve those who could use some cheering up, the impoverished children in Appalachia. Miss Reno has been serving them since her freshman year, which is a testament to her braveness, leadership, and character which is our most challenging ministry—six-hundred miles from home with poor cell phone service because the poverty out there doesn’t provide industry incentive for investment in infrastructure. The region is known as a “brain drain” since more people (those who can) leave than come into Wayne County, WV. Aubrey faithfully serves our Appalachia ministry every six months, even attending Mission Possible, the replacement week this past summer for Campus Ministry’s traditional June mission because the state of West Virginia had to close the annual Wayne County Work Camp. As if that wasn’t enough, Aubrey and her dad joined other parents who brought their children this past December to ensure that Christmas in Appalachia went on, because due to the pandemic an official school-sponsored mission was once again not possible. As incredible as that is, Aubrey Reno’s spirit of giving doesn’t stop there.
Aubrey has her hand in the majority of our service pillar programs and throughout last spring’s virtual learning weeks Aubrey found service opportunities at both Feeding Hands and SHIP, showing up all by herself without the usual encouraging van-load of Spartan volunteers. During Aubrey’s greatest year, her sophomore year, Miss Reno served sixty-six events. Sixty-six times, during what was only her second year of high school, Aubrey said “yes” and then showed up to help some fellow human beings. Although saying goodbye to her in June will be our loss, we know that she will grace the campus of wherever she chooses to next make her mark, live her faith, and further her education.
We thank you for your many unseen sacrifices that have benefitted the Immaculata family and those whom we serve.
Spartan Proud!