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The Theology Department of Immaculata High School lives out the school's mission statement by providing challenging academic courses to meet the spiritual needs of our students. Each course is designed to also deepen the students' Christian Catholic values and to give them an overall experience in meeting the person of Jesus Christ and establishing a relationship with him and the Church. The courses include:

  • Revelation of Jesus Christ
  • Paschal Mystery/The Church
  • Morality and Social Justice
  • Christian Lifestyles and Faith & Reason

New to Immaculata is the AP Capstone Theology class in which the students will explore contemporary topics, both local and global, connected to human dignity issues such as immigration, the environment, technology, the disenfranchised, and diversity. Using Catholic Social Teaching as the foundation, the teachers will facilitate the students to conduct college level research through various lenses.

In addition to the academic courses, each student is provided with a day of reflection to further the relationship with Christ and the Church. These days address the four pillars of the Immaculata community: Faith, Scholarship, Service, and Friendship.