Bishop Checchio met with Campus Ministry Board members at the diocesan evening prayer

Representatives of Immaculata's Campus Ministry Board pose with Diocese of Metuchen's Bishop Checchio at the launch of the the Diocesan Year of Spiritual Renewal. It was held on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi with Bishop Checchio presiding over the evening prayer. Alexa Marsh (second from left) said that "Attending tonight’s prayer service was a great way to show our love and appreciation for Our Lady of Guadalupe and really get into the Christmas spirit."
In addition, at the end of school prayers and led by Immaculata's Director of Catholic Identity Father Tholitho, all students and faculty joined together and recited the spiritual renewal prayer as a community. Campus Ministry Director Maureen Cote felt that both the afternoon school-wide prayer and the evening prayer service shared with Immaculata's student representatives were very moving and faith-filled, a true reflection of our school's Pillar of Faith.